Zeynep Kalaycıoğlu | Ara 05, 2024
Prof. Dr. Ayfer Kalkan Burat has collaborated on a joint project under the TÜBİTAK-Korea National Research Foundation (NRF) Bilateral Cooperation Program, in partnership with the İTÜ Energy Institute. As a researcher in this project, Prof. Dr. Ayfer Kalkan Burat is conducting studies on environmentally friendly photoelectrochemical hydrogen production. This project aims to contribute to sustainable energy solutions by advancing hydrogen production technologies with minimal environmental impact.
Prof. Dr. Ayfer Kalkan Burat has collaborated on a joint project under the TÜBİTAK-Korea National Research Foundation (NRF) Bilateral Cooperation Program, in partnership with the İTÜ Energy Institute. As a researcher in this project, Prof. Dr. Ayfer Kalkan Burat is conducting studies on environmentally friendly photoelectrochemical hydrogen production. This project aims to contribute to sustainable energy solutions by advancing hydrogen production technologies with minimal environmental impact.
Green hydrogen production is the key for decarbonization of transportation and energy production sectors. Photoelectrochemical (PEC) hydrogen production is one of the most promising future electrolysis technologies with zero emisions and no electricity cost. However, further technological development is needed to enhance the efficiency of the conversion and increase hydrogen production rate with new approaches. Concerns over global warming, air pollution, and energy security has been promoting hydrogen as environmentally-friendly and carbon-free source of future fuel for every sector. Combination of electrolysis technology with abundance of approximately 120,000 TW of solar energy makes a great couple to tackle energy problems. If this can be combined in a single PEC, photoanode and photocathode combination, illumination can generate oxygen and hydrogen fuel.
Within the scope of this project, the aim of the research is to develop organic photocathodes and inorganic photoanodes to combine in a tandem cell to demonstrate hydrogen production potential of PEC cells. Project will develop new materials and components that are suitable for photoelectrochemical water splitting and hydrogen production. Metallo phthalocyanines are expected to exhibit high chemical activity and electrical conductivity as photocathodes due to their thermal and chemical stability and unique photochemical and photophysical properties. Cobalt (CoPc), and nickel phthalocyanines (NiPc) will be utilized as a new approach to understand hydrogen production mechanisms. Different electron donating or withdrawing substituents will be insert the peripheral position of phthalocyanines to understand the effect of substituents on the photocatalytical properties of Pcs. By placing a cobalt or nickel atom in the center of phthalocyanine, the role of the central metal in this mechanism will also be examined.