Dr. Res. Asst. Nejla Çini has been selected as a reviewer by German Aerospace Center Project Unit (Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Projektträger (DLR-PT)) and she involved in the evaluation of calls for projects funded by European Union under European Commission Horizon Europe EU27 Framework Programme in the area of Chemistry, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences. The classification of the research and development (R&D) in this area of expertise include the scope of Polysaccharides polymers, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical technology. In this context, this work can be considered under the 3-Good Health and Well-Being theme in Sustainable Development Goals.The research and innovation (R&I) program calls under this scheme had a total budget of EUR 100,000 (as a grant with a maximum sum of EUR 5,000 per project) for only young and early-career researchers. Enhanced cooperation and sustained support in mobility-driven R&I were pivotal. DLR is the German aerospace research and technology centre. It develops technologies for aeronautics and space, energy and transport, as well as security and defence research. As a research institution, DLR focuses on scientific excellence and acts as a capable administrative organisation that strengthens Germany as a location for knowledge and innovation. Acting in networks, DLR - PT covers the broadest range of topics of all German project management agencies, including Federal and State Ministries, the European Commission, science organisations, associations and foundations.