Dr. Mustafa INCE’s new article titled “Practical Lessons and Application Areas at the Engineering School (1795-1909)” (Mühendishane ve Hendese Mektebindeki Pratik (Ameli) Dersler ve Uygulama Mekanları, 1795-1909) was published within the scope of 250th anniversary events of ITU.
Within the scope of 250th anniversary events of ITU, a publication authored by Dr. Mustafa INCE titled “Practical Lessons and Application Areas at the Engineering School (1795-1909)” (Mühendishane ve Hendese Mektebindeki Pratik (Ameli) Dersler ve Uygulama Mekanları, 1795-1909) was published.
In the programs of engineering schools, established during the innovation period in the Ottoman Empire, special attention was paid to practical lessons and applications. Since education is considered an integral part of innovation and reforms, the importance of training in the new method, as well as applied courses, has always been emphasized in the founding regulations of new schools. This article focuses on practical lessons and places of practice in this context, in the period between 1795 and 1909.
With this article, Dr. Mustafa INCE not only reveals how engineering education is positioned in this period, but also sheds light on the history of applied education.