A new phase transition, electric-field induced, is theoretically predicted in capillary electrophoretic systems

by Zeynep Kalaycıoğlu | Dec 29, 2021
After the long years of applications of capillary electrophoretic separation of many inorganic, organic, and biopolymeric components under high voltage in ITU, Capillary Electrophoresis, and Biopolymer Applications laboratory, we have reported for the first time the modeling of the movement of molecules in the capillary column in the presence of electroosmotic flow.
After the long years of applications of capillary electrophoretic separation of many inorganic, organic, and biopolymeric components under high voltage in ITU, Capillary Electrophoresis, and Biopolymer Applications laboratory, we have reported for the first time the modeling of the movement of molecules in the capillary column in the presence of electroosmotic flow. The movement of particles in a capillary electrophoretic system was modeled using Monte Carlo simulation with the Metropolis algorithm. Using the approach demonstrated in this study, further studies may be useful for explaining or predicting the electrophoretic behaviors of mixtures of different types of molecules, including the entanglement of segmented macromolecules, flows in coated columns, and/or gel media.

This study was published in Physics of Fluids, a Q1 journal indexed in web of science, ranking 6 of 34 in Physics, Fluids& Plasmas.