A new article by Assoc. Prof. Fatma SEL TURHAN was published in a Q1 Journal.

The article titled as “Conversion of War Captives in the Ottoman Lands during the Eighteenth Century: Rules, Applications and Abuses” by Assoc. Prof. Fatma SEL TURHAN was published in a Q1 Journal.

In this article, Assoc. Prof. Fatma SEL TURHAN focuses on the issue of conversion among war captives in the Ottoman Empire during the eighteenth century and examines the release process of captives in relation to religious conversion.

Starting from the Treaty of Carlowitz, the article first discusses the changes in the release process of captives based on treaties. Since conversions were considered as exceptional cases in which the converted captives were excluded from release, methods and procedures to detect conversion, as well as manipulative and pragmatic practices in the application of conversions, are studied in detail.

Additionally, SEL TURHAN’s article was published in a valuable Q1 Journal named as “Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies”.

A new article by Assoc. Prof. Umut UZER is published.