Zeynep Kalaycıoğlu | Aug 15, 2024
In this valuable event organized by IFEA and French Consulate Dr. Duran gave a speech titled as "La vie intellectuelle au palais de France à l'époque de l'ambassade de Marie-Gabriel de Choiseul-Gouffier (1784-1792)" at the French Palace in Istanbul. The panel discussions were moderated by French Consul Olivier Gauvin.
In this valuable event organized by IFEA and French Consulate Dr. Duran gave a speech titled as "La vie intellectuelle au palais de France à l'époque de l'ambassade de Marie-Gabriel de Choiseul-Gouffier (1784-1792)" at the French Palace in Istanbul. The panel discussions were moderated by French Consul Olivier Gauvin.
With his speech, Dr. Duran enlightened the participants about the intellectual activities at the French Palace in Istanbul in the 18th century. Ronan Bouttier from Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne and Sinan Kuneralp from ISIS Press also participated in this event.
After the event, French Consul Olivier Gauvin made a tour to tell the history of the French Palace to the guests. During this visit, he also explained the Ottoman heritage within the palace. Additionally, it was announced that in the following months, the presentations of this event will be published in a book.